Patti Soldavini

Archive for December, 2012|Monthly archive page

Waiting For The New Year

In animals, dogs, humor, pets, weimaraners on 12/31/2012 at 12:13 pm



Yes, I’m waiting. And you know me. I won’t wait much longer. Oh look, someone dropped a piece of….


In animals, dogs, humor, pets, weimaraners on 12/31/2012 at 11:56 am



“NO YOU TINY LUNATIC, YOU CANNOT EAT ANY MORE OF YOUR GIFTS,” I admonish Olive after she slices through two or three less carefully wrapped items on the morning of Christmas Eve. The anticipation is going to kill her. No more than 30 seconds after placing Olive’s gifts at the foot of the citrus-scented tree, she made her move. As though she were leading the Calvary, she galloped over to the tree and executed a swift snatch ‘n grab. As I begin to approach, she senses that she’s been “caught,” and as I gently pry the tattered wrapping paper with the canvas chicken leg dangling from it, she gives it up. She tries this twice more during the day and I finally surrender. “OH GO AHEAD YOU CRAZY POOCH. MERRY CHRISTMAS.”

Weimaraner Musician

In animals, dogs, humor, lifestyle, pets, weimaraners on 12/31/2012 at 11:16 am

"I'm a WHAT? A DIVA?"

“I’m a WHAT? A DIVA?”

If you own, have owned or have frequent contact with a weimaraner, you’ll know what I mean by the title of this post. During the first few weeks I had Olive, I’d walk throughout the house wondering how exactly a small bird got inside…looking up at the ceilings as if they were great canvases of endless sky, sure I would spot one in mid-flight. Until I was standing in front of Olive. The source of the delicate chirping. “MY GOD OLIVE. THAT’S YOU? HOW CAN YOU SOUND LIKE A BIRD, YOUR ARCHNEMESIS?” Sure, other dogs may “nose whistle,” but only when a weimaraner does it, does it sound exactly like a bird. Last week, I received a gift from someone that Olive apparently decided was a musical instrument. A small sage-colored glazed terra cotta vase with the tiniest neck at the top. Immediately noting that this was a new addition to the room, Olive walks over to it, blows on it a few times and produces distinct whistles. This dog cracks me up. Satisfied with her impromptu musical performance, she backs away and exits the room confidently like the diva she is.

The Princess of Weimar

In animals, dogs, humor, lifestyle, pets, weimaraners on 12/25/2012 at 11:24 am

"You MOVED my chair?"

“You MOVED my chair?”

The Princess of Weimar noting the unauthorized migration of her throne from one side of the dining room to the other to make room for the dwarf Christmas Tree. To her credit, she simply trotted over to the chair, looked at it for a half second while considering its suitability and then hopped up to take her rightful place in the universe. “IT’S THE SAME CHAIR OLIVE. NOW YOU JUST HAVE A DIFFERENT VIEW FOR A COUPLE OF WEEKS.” She looks away, out the window, and starts barking at the SUV flying down the neighbor’s driveway. This dog lives in a constant state of Defcon 1. I’m surprised that she doesn’t detect molecular movement and bark at that.

The Christmas Olive

In animals, dogs, humor, lifestyle, pets, weimaraners on 12/25/2012 at 11:06 am

Where in the world is Olive?

Where in the world is Olive?

You’ve heard of the Christmas Pickle? Well, here is the Christmas Olive. Nestled between the downy blue-green branches of this year’s Christmas Tree, it’s been strategically placed near the top so my ever-alert pooch cannot reach it in case she mistakes it for food. Merry Christmas to all!


In dogs, lifestyle, pets, weimaraners, writing on 12/16/2012 at 12:47 pm



Olive and I did not want to let today pass without sharing our grief about the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. What happened is beyond comprehension and is so deeply heartbreaking to everyone whose life is enriched by the light, joy, innocence and magic of a child. We have friends whose six-year old daughter was in the first grade at Sandy Hook and by the grace of God, little Ella is okay and safe at home. We are so grateful that Ella will have the chance to continue to light up people’s lives for a long time to come and we are incredibly heavy-hearted about the deep, deep loss that so many other parents, siblings, relatives and friends are feeling; one that they will unfortunately endure for their lifetimes. No words explaining why this happened will ever be adequate to comfort those suffering. I wish there were some way we could ease the pain of those who suffer. In that sense, we feel helpless. The best we can do is keep all those affected in our thoughts and prayers.

Waiting For Santa

In dogs, humor, lifestyle, pets, weimaraners, writing on 12/16/2012 at 12:17 pm

"Of course I BELIEVE in Santa."

“Of course I BELIEVE in Santa.”

Poor Olive. This is her at my cousin’s house after being bitch slapped by her cousin Oliver, a Tibetan Terrier. Oliver thought it was Olive standing on his tail, when it fact it was my 80-year old Aunt. Olive quietly retreated to the living room and made herself at home on the love seat next to the Christmas tree. One of the more endearing characteristics of dogs is that they don’t hold grudges. Olive waits patiently for Santa.

Mirror Image

In dogs, humor, lifestyle, pets, weimaraners, writing on 12/16/2012 at 11:13 am



A friend of mine and I laugh hysterically at this photo ever since she pointed out that Olive and I have the same expression on our faces – both showing a little teeth.

Story Time

In dogs, humor, lifestyle, pets, weimaraners, writing on 12/16/2012 at 11:03 am

"But where ARE the sugarplums?"

“But where ARE the sugarplums?”

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a weimaraner. Moments later, Olive dove headfirst into the book to retrieve the biscuit that was between my thumb and the page.

Olive’s Nightmare Before Christmas

In dogs, humor, lifestyle, pets, weimaraners, writing on 12/16/2012 at 10:37 am

"Is that really ME?"

“Is that really ME?”

It’s you Olive. And you are doing a terrific impersonation of a deer. A two-headed deer, but a deer nonetheless. Don’t feel bad. I have a giant orb sticking out of the back of my head. I promise, this is the last shot we do today.


In dogs, humor, lifestyle, pets, weimaraners, writing on 12/16/2012 at 10:25 am

"Is that a big ball of CHEESE?"

“Is that a big ball of CHEESE?”

Yes Olive, it’s called mistlecheese. Now pucker up.

Olive and Santa

In dogs, humor, lifestyle, pets, weimaraners, writing on 12/01/2012 at 8:15 pm

Olive and Patti

Olive and Patti

Is this dog photogenic or what? Here is the first of six or so shots and the one that will grace the Christmas cards I send out this year. Inside it says, Hey it’s you! Here’s hoping your holiday is filled with joy and laughter. And treats. Patti and Olive. As my cousin mentioned when she saw Olive in this shot, “She is magnificent.” And she is. I can’t stop looking at Olive in these photos. Not only is she beautiful, but she’s so much fun, so smart and so sweet. She brings great joy to my life. I am so happy I didn’t let anyone talk me out of getting a weimaraner! It is moments like these that I can’t believe she’s actually mine!