Patti Soldavini

German Land Dog

In animals, dogs, humor, pets, weimaraners on 06/16/2014 at 7:09 am
"You're kidding, right?"

“You’re kidding, right?”

I have tried everything to get this dog into a pool. Mostly so I could teach her how to safely get out of one if she ever fell in. When she was a puppy, I held her gently, walked into my neighbor’s pool, cooing as I walked about with her in my arms. After a few minutes, I’d face the stairs and gently release her where she’d paddle like a crazed kayaker until she got her footing on the stairs. Out she went, shaking herself off repeatedly as though she had been dunked in something too foul for words. There, standing on the concrete, she’d look down at me with her big amber eyes as if to say, “WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?” I did this on about three separate occasions. In hindsight, maybe that wasn’t a good idea. I also tried introducing her to a wading pool. She takes the concept of a wading pool very literally. She will wade into it with all four paws and retrieve her toys which lie at the bottom like sunken battleships, but mostly she will drink out of it. To Olive, any container, no matter how large or small that is filled with water is simply a water bowl for her to drink from. Yes, this means that the toilet seat must be in the down position at all times.

  1. I have a half-Weim who is just the WORST with water. He won’t even go outside to use the bathroom when it’s raining. Lately, he won’t go outside to use the bathroom if the ground is even wet. He just looks at me like “….you’re kidding me, right?”, and when I drag him outside (because, seriously, dog, I’m not going to be late for work because you don’t want to get your feet wet) he just stands there looking disgruntled.
    I’m not sure what he thinks he’s achieving.

  2. We bought Molly a wading pool last year thinking she’d love it. Looked at it like it was a snake. Finally decided it was the biggest water bowl in the world. She has a doggy play group in a big field – it had a big tank of water with a ramp and steps – dogs ran and launched themselves into it…but not her. One of the college kids picked her up and dropped her in. She was not impressed. But this year, for some reason, she decided that splash pools are her greatest delight…there..not the one here. It’s the same color! Identical!…it’s the biggest water bowl in the world

  3. I’ve had four weimeraners now, and only one of them enjoyed the water. The other three would rather go to the vet than go in the pool or the lake.

  4. I’ve read once,either they love swimming or they hate it… seems both are dogs of group #2 :o) Our wading pool is a herb bed now :o)

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